First steps

First steps into recreating the demo

Creating the workspace

We’re going to start by making the workspace that will hold all our ROS packages.

$ mkdir ~/demo && cd ~/demo
$ mkdir src

We won’t do cd to any other directory, we will always work from this path. This makes it less confusing because the ROS build will write the build files to the current working directory, and we don’t want to make a mess.

Creating the packages needed

Ultimately, we will have the following structure:

PackageBuild typeNotes
worldament_pythonHandles all logic and physics of the car
driverlessament_pythonAlgorithm for calculating the steer
um_msgsament_cmakeContains all custom messages
qt_interfaceament_pythonThis package will be provided by us

To make these packages, we can start using the following command:

$ ros2 pkg create PACKAGE --build-type BUILD_TYPE --destination-directory src --dependencies rclpy

The last package, qt_interface, can be downloaded from this repository and imported into src.

Once we have our packages set up, we can go to the next chapter!

Last modified March 18, 2023: Fix link to image (62e4b8e)