Building the Demo
A more real approach to learn the ROS basis.
This chapter is to get you started in ROS building some first practical projects and finish building the demo.
Information to complete this course:
Basic Programming Knowledge.
You need to have a minimum Linux CLI experience
You installed ROS and all Prerequisites (explained below)
This course target ROS2 humble and the official guide recommends Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish because there are official debian packages; even so they offers Tier3 support for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal or Debian 11 but you need to build it from source.
To install ROS2 humble we recommend to follow the official guide.
Remember to install the full desktop version ros-humble-desktop
and finally, install colcon
the build tool
$ sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
Remember to source this file /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
or equivalent in your shell to be able to access ROS2 commands.
Or execute this command and relaunch your terminal,
echo 'source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
substitute .bashrc for your rc file. Ex: ~/.zshrc
A more real approach to learn the ROS basis.
First steps into recreating the demo
Writing logic and physics for the world